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Have you considered becoming a volunteer dog trainer?


Do you...


1. LOVE dogs of all kinds (of course! :) )

2. Enjoy learning new methods/techniques, learning and sharing with others

3. Have a spare 30mins on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evenings


Then we'd love to have you join our ranks of instructors!


We currently have 7 experienced instructors, 2 assistant instructors and 4 trainees, and we're always keen for more.

Our instructors are all volunteers who kindly donate their time and skills for the love of dogs and the club. The instructors are led by the Chief Instructor, Jenny Murray, who is an NDTF qualified canine behaviorist.


The prerequisites:


a) Instructors must be at least 18 years old, trainees can begin from 16 years old

b) Trainee Instructors must have completed (or be willing to complete) the Beginners Obedience Course at minimum (so you can learn the language and methods the club uses)

c) A willingness to learn new skills (at club and at home) and work as a team

d) Trainee instructors must be current members, or be willing to apply for membership.


All training and ongoing support is provided by the Club with no financial outlay from you.

You will begin by being paired with experienced instructors, who will mentor you as you shadow them during the eight week class blocks. There you'll learn the language and terminology we use, the class content and, eventually, the skills required to take a class on your own. 


To get started please fill out the form below!




Areas of interest

Thanks for your interest in instructing! Your form was sent and the Chief Instructor will be in touch!


Instructor Andrew with his Airedale Terrier, Roxy, on an agility course.


Beginners class in session during sunset.

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